Agriculture Project

The Blessing Api Apum Foundation’s “Planting for Food and Jobs” initiative aims to combat food scarcity by promoting mechanized farming. They produce GARI at scale for community consumption and sale while encouraging youth involvement in agriculture.



The science or practice of farming includes growing of crops and rearing of animals to provide food and other product. The Blessing Api Apum Foundation planting for food and jobs is an initiative aimed at bringing transformation to individuals, communities and the nation at large through mechanised and productive farming.

Our flagship agribusiness, PLANTING FOR FOOD AND JOBS is the production of GARI in commercial volumes which is aimed at feeding the community and also for sale.

Our desire is to produce food in large quantity to feed not only our communities but the world at large through mechanised farming and also to encourage the youth to go into farming since we believe it’s the best way to eradicate poverty. It is also the best way to assure ourselves of food security. Africa is rich in land and soil fertility, meanwhile we are still suffering from hunger and starvation and the way to go is to encourage the youth to go into agriculture and Agribusiness.

The Blessing Api Apum Foundation seeks to eradicate food insufficiency by its “Planting for Food and Jobs” by

  • Providing food for communities suffering from starvation.
  • Support and encourage the youth into farming.
  • Support and encourage other small farmers within the communities.
  • Train and educate small and rural farmers on various agricultural methods
  • Establish agricultural research centres for emerging farmers and the community at large.
  • Equip farmers with agricultural tools and provide them with modern farming practices.
  • Partner with governments to help build roads from the farms to the markets or commercial centres.
  • Find markets for their products.


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