Computer project

The project aims to equip rural youth with computer education, covering basic computer skills like Microsoft Office and technical competencies such as computer assembly and repair. This comprehensive education, coupled with entrepreneurial and leadership training, aims to combat poverty, reduce crime, and alleviate illiteracy in these communities.



The project aims to equip rural youth with computer education, covering basic computer skills like Microsoft Office and technical competencies such as computer assembly and repair. This comprehensive education, coupled with entrepreneurial and leadership training, aims to combat poverty, reduce crime, and alleviate illiteracy in these communities.

1.4. Time Frame
Project Duration: Ongoing
The intention of Heads Foundation is to make this project an on-going project. This will enable most of youths from disadvantaged background to acquire skills in computer and thus enable the Foundation to realise its goal of combating unemployment and alleviating poverty amongst these youths. As an NPO project, the sustainability will depend on sponsors, proper coordination, accountability and transparency on the part of the organisation.

1.5. Target Group
This intervention will target youths across disadvantaged communities. The intervention is planned for youths because they require computer literacy skills in order to become competitive in their upcoming careers and to have ease in their day-to-day activities. Computer knowledge have become an indispensable tool for these youths, from making of their assignments, writing research papers, helping in their studies, to learning new information.
1.6. Project Carrier
The Project carrier is Heads Foundation. The project’s components will be implemented entirely by Heads Foundation.


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